"Anna's Hummingbird" |
"Costas Hummingbird" |
"Blue Throated Hummingbird" |
"Rufous Hummingbird" |
"Black Chinned Hummingbird" |
Order at $16 each Choose your subject |
"Still Standing" Whitetailed Deer in Snow |
"Approaching Reign" Lion |
"Sound of Silence" Leopard |
"Quail" |
"Just A Nominal Charge" Baby Elephant |
" Lion of Judah" |
"Timeless Place" Leopard |
"Rufous Hummingbird" |
"Winter's Gift" Cedar Wax Wings |
"New Cardinal" |
"Rubythroat Hummingbird" |
"Bluebird" |
Lion Pair -"Savannah Royalty" |
"Mountain Gems" Hummingbird |
"Lilac Rollers" |
"Painted Bunting" |
Bass "Bluegill" |
"Flying the Highlands " |
For special requests or Holiday rush orders,
"Buckeye" |
"America's Goatman" |
"Goldfinch" |
"Night Eyes" Flying Squirrel |
"Warthog" |
"Another Spring" Sue Alston |